Monday 5 September 2011

Buy of the Month - Huge amounts of fabric!

It's saddened me that I've not been able to post on here as frequently as I'd hoped. I started a new job a few weeks ago, and adding real life on top of working life sometimes leaves me with little time left over to just do things for fun. Like blogging.

It doesn't mean, however, that I've not been crafting! Perhaps not as much, but I can't really go too long without picking something up! I've finished the 180 granny squares I needed for my blanket. Hurrah!

I still have to sew the ends in on the last 24, and then crochet a row around each of them before sewing together, but at least the end is in sight!

Sadly, August came and went all too quickly, and I didn't even get to show you my August Buy of the Month! But I will show you now, because I'm still oohing and ahhing and pondering what to do with it. It's fabric!

And a whole load of fabric. There's at least 100 metres of fabric there. Crazy, I know. But it was a bargainous £2. Yep, just £2. For 100 metres. And I could have had twice the amount for the same cost, but weighing around 40 kilos, we decided 100 metres was enough for now!

It's all knitted jersey, of varying lengths, but some are metres and metres long. And as 'factory waste' it was being sold off for next to nothing. So I'm planning on putting it to use. For what yet, I don't know, but I'm sure I'll think of something, and I'll be sure to share it with you when I do :)

There were a huge selection of bags I could have picked from, and I chose ones with plenty of black fabric in, as it tends to be pratical, but there's some lovely navy with a tiny beige polka dot, and a deep pink which is lovely, and has a lovely patterned texture to it too, and some purple, which I adore!

Happy times indeed. And more ahead! I'm attending a wedding this coming weekend, which I'm super excited for, visiting family, and there is an AMAZING fancy dress project/collaboration happening right now with me and my Mum, and if I can, I'll post some progress shots, because I am just so excited about it!!

I'm sad we're leaving Summer behind, but ROLL ON AUTUMN!


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